This Catechism for Boys and Girls teaches children basic Christian doctrines and forms a framework for personal interaction with the Scripture. Using a series of questions and answers the catechism seeks to develops a fundamental understanding of God, sin, salvation, prayer, the Bible, the church and heaven and hell. Each answer in the catechism, which is based on the Baptist Confession of Faith, is supported by Scripture references.
The task of teaching doctrine is increasingly challenging in present-day society, but this small catechism is a helpful resource for training children in the fear and ways of God. Through memorising key doctrines using this systematic approach will give boys and girls the broad and firm foundation they need to understand God’s purposes in this world and His plan for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
The teaching of the Bible is not proved by just a few texts. Each text of scripture should be understood in the light of the passage in which it is found. Sometimes a truth is stated clearly in a single verse. When this is the case just one or two references are given. More usually the truths to which the Catechism refer are woven throughout the whole Bible, and when this is so several references are given.